Where the Wild Things Are 2012

On Tuesday, October 30, 2012, the Mustangs and Explorers classes each performed “Where the Wild Things Are” to the school .  With a script adapted by our drama teacher, Terri, special effects by Cara and Jill, our art teacher and librarian, dance choreography by me, the music teacher, and stage crew by Jennifer, our PE/Technology teacher, it is our first ICAT production!

We are proud of our students and all the hard work they put into learning their lines, blocking, and dancing.  Enjoy the videos below and you can see the pictures from their show by clicking here to view a previous post.


3 Responses to Where the Wild Things Are 2012

  1. Pingback: “Where the Wild Things Are” Show! | Music Therapy Moves

  2. James R Ward says:

    Great job everyone!
